Website owners with websites that are difficult to read will have a difficult time accomplishing their bottom-line. Businesses lose thousands of dollars in revenue annually for failing to apply basic web design rules.
According to web design news experts, many website owners focus more on design than readability. There should be a happy medium when it comes to web design. A website should not only be visually appealing, it should also be easy to find information.
Use Headlines and Sub-Headings
Every page on a website should have headlines and sub-headings that highlight the overall theme of the site. Once a visitor lands on a web page, scanning through the text should be effortless. When a website has headlines and sub-headings, it makes a page look well organized. For SEO purposes, keywords should be added to the headlines and sub-headings.
Use Mini Paragraphs
Often times, website owners will fill a web page up with large paragraphs without any breaks in between the text. Pages that contain text without paragraph breaks are difficult to read. Hard to read text should be avoided at all costs. A website is easier to read when paragraphs are broken up into blocks. The general rule is to use 3 to 5 sentences per paragraph and the more white space on a page the better.
Use the Correct Text Size
Not every web user has perfect vision. Website owners should avoid using tiny size text. Otherwise, people will have a difficult time reading. An example of a good website text size is Font size=12.
Use Bullet Points
When there is a list of points that need to be stressed on a web page, use bullet points or numbers. This will break up the text and make it easier for visitors to scan and read.
Converting Visitors into Paying Customers
Every website owner desires to convert visitors into paying customers or leads. The more readable a website is, the longer a visitor will remain on a page. Websites that are easy to read and browse through are more likely to convert visitors into customers.
This website design news article was written by Flying Cow Design, a full-service web development company. They cater to small businesses and corporations globally. To find out more website design news, visit:
CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area