Website Design Mistakes to Avoid

web-design-mistakes-3-300x185 Website Design Mistakes to AvoidYour website design can make or break your business. Whether you need a new website designed from scratch, a redesigned mobile responsive design or a complete website make-over, there are a few mistakes you should avoid. This article covers common mistakes that are made and should be avoided.

Have a Clear Call to Action

One of the most common web design mistakes is website owners fail to place a clear call to action (CTA) on their websites.  If you do not have a call to action, you will lose potential customers. There should be a call to action on every page of your website. Visitors should not have to search around to find out what to do next. They need a clear path to follow through.

According to website design experts, many visitors abandon websites simply because the sites do not possess a clear call to action. When visitors enter a site, they do not have time to waste. They want to access information immediately.

Mobile Responsive Website

A mobile responsive website will ensure all of your customers and potential customers can find you wherever they are. Choosing to skip the mobile responsive design to save money is one of the most common mistakes.

Website Load Time

If your website takes longer than three seconds to load, you have just lost potential customers. Online shoppers do not have time to wait on a website to load. With clean code on your web design, you can prevent this common mistake.

Small Font

Another common mistake is trying to be creative with your website and use creative font styles and sizes. However, if a person has to squint to read the content on your site, they will find a different website they can easily read and find the information they are looking for.

Links Opening in New Browser Windows

When your links open in a new browser window, the back button will not take them back to your website. Your customer may not know how to get back to your site. Therefore, they will go back to the search engine and begin their search again.

Social Media Icons Misplaced

Placing your social media icons at or near the top of your website encourages your visitors to leave your website before they get a chance to see the rest of the page. A common mistake is thinking your visitors will come back to your site after visiting your social media platform.

Hiding Menu Navigation

Drop-down menus on a mobile website are convenient for space and ensure a positive user experience. However, on a desktop version of your site, hiding your navigation links could cost you a potential customer. The customer needs to see where they are supposed to go rather than having to search for it.

Missing Headings

Headings (H1) and subheadings (H2) are essential if you want search engines to find your website. The H1 and H2’s help search engine spiders determine how relevant the content on your page is and where to rank it. They also draw attention to key points you want to stand out to your visitors.

Missing Contact Information

Your website visitors want to know where, when, and how they can contact you. Having a clear visible navigation link to your contact page will tell visitors where to go. Your contact page should be clean, not cluttered, and display all vital information. Where you are located, how visitors can contact you, when you are available, and by what means such as email or phone.

HTTPS Secure

Online security is a top priority for most website visitors. They want to be ensured their information is not going to be visible outside of this website. Search engines also prefer secure websites. This is a ranking factor search engines use.

Avoid Hiring an Intern

When it comes to designing a business website, website design experts suggest leaving the task to the professionals. A typical web design mistake entrepreneurs make, is to hire an intern for web design to save money. It takes a skilled web designer to create a professional looking website that is easy to navigate and search engine friendly.

Avoid a Cluttered Website

Declutter, Declutter, Declutter – this cannot be stressed enough. Avoid having too many graphics, photos, ads and icons on a web page. Too many things going on at the same time makes the website appear disorganized and is one of the most common mistakes. A disorganized website makes it impossible for website visitors to find what they are looking for. It also makes it appear like the company is trying too hard to make a good impression.

Knowing what website design mistakes to avoid can increase your return on investment significantly. Website visitors expect a certain level of design expertise. They are not patient enough to look for hidden links and pages within your website. Your three-second first impression has to be one that sticks, so visitors will remember your page and fulfill the call to action you display on your web page. The most successful websites have one thing in common; they all ‘keep it simple.’

Before launching your new site, do a thorough review of each page. Ask yourself the following important questions: Does this (photo, image, icon or video) belong on this page? Does it serve any purpose? Will it overshadow my brand?

If you are unsure what belongs on your web page, it does not hurt to ask a professional. A professional website designer will give you pointers on what your website needs and what should be eliminated.

Flying Cow Design provides professional website design services for small businesses and large corporations.

To find out the latest website design news, visit today!

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CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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