Accepting online payments on your website through single-page check-out

Accepting payments on your website

We can build a checkout process for easy online payments

accept-online-payments Accepting payments on your website

For some entrepreneurs, the challenge is not attracting visitors to their website; it is keeping them throughout the checkout process and minimizing shopping cart abandonment. Getting online shoppers to go through the checkout process should not feel like a never-ending maze. Accepting website payments should not be rocket science.

Consider this: In an era of identity theft, online fraud and scams, there’s already a hesitancy when it comes to entering credit card details on a website. When your checkout process is complicated, it compounds the hesitation and gives customers an excuse to change their mind about going through with the transaction.

Setting up easy credit card payment systems

Single-page checkout

A single-page checkout option that’s fast and simple can solve a number of your customers’ problems. At the very minimum, it simplifies the process of making a credit card payment, reduces shopping cart abandonment and facilitates faster checkout. This is what every business owner should have – a quick and efficient payment system.

Setting up single-page payment processing is easier than you may think. Flying Cow Design specializes in developing customized single-page system to accept payment from any landing page on your site. Having a payment system integrated into your landing pages keeps your customer from needing to visit multiple pages or leaving your website to complete the transaction on a third-party site.

Merchant account set up

Flying Cow Design can implement your business’ merchant account or integrate a payment gateway into your website. A payment gateway uses a third-party merchant to accept payments in multiple forms. If your business has a merchant account, it is connected to a bank account and is viewed as a line of credit. While setting up the e-commerce solution, we incorporate several features such as:

  • Billing address
  • Coupon code section
  • Payment methods (credit card, debit card, direct carrier billing, bitcoin payment, Paypal and more)
  • Payment details
  • Shipping options
  • Shipping address
  • Order confirmation
  • Order details

Even if your company is using a merchant account, you may still need a third-party payment processor to process credit cards and other transaction details straight from your shopping cart. Flying Cow Design web developers can customize payment options according to your business needs.

Your customer’s checkout experience is key to what makes or breaks the relationship you are trying to build. Your choice of payment gateway should remove any unnecessary steps that could deter the customer from completing the transaction. Having a positive user experience sets your business up for a happy customer who will likely return.

Check-out process

Most shoppers are turning to online shopping because of the convenience of shopping from home, at any time of the day, not having to wait in check-out lines.For B2C businesses, offering online payment options is increasingly becoming important.

Equally important is having a check-out process that is:

  • Is simple and easy to go through for a first-time shopper
  • Has quick credit card processing – without making customers wait for the next screen
  • Is intuitive and easily navigable with minimal clicks
  • Integrates multiple payment providers and options
  • Recognizes returning buyers so they can continue where they stopped

By integrating your payment system into your e-commerce website, returning customers can create an account to save their email, credit card or bank account information, and past purchases. When your e-commerce platform provides your customers with a good shopping experience, they are more likely to spread the news and return to your website. That means more sales and more profit.

A good checkout process enhances the user experience. As a result, you maximize transactions, receive more conversions and increased revenue.

Online payment systems from Flying Cow Design

Whether you are a home-based business, a brick-and-mortar store or an established e-commerce site, the shopping experience your customers expect is no different.

mobile-friendly-ecommerce Accepting payments on your websiteMobile friendly e-commerce platform

Consumers use multiple different devices to shop. Our e-commerce website service includes responsive web design that makes it easy for your customers to complete online transactions on any device.

human-friendly-experience Accepting payments on your websiteHuman-friendly experience

Our team has decades’ experience in building e-commerce websites that are both feature-rich andsimple,flexibility to incorporate every payment service, payment method and merchant account needed.

transparent-process Accepting payments on your websiteTransparent process

Our process is transparent, not just through the development stage, but even after your site is built. Our clients get complete visibility into the data, transaction fee, every credit card transaction.

credible-partner Accepting payments on your websiteA credible partner

Flying Cow Design has been the trusted partner for many e-commerce businesses, not just for their web design needs, but also for their hosting, security, maintenance, content and online marketing needs.

Finding the right web developer

Flying Cow Design is a professional web development company and we specialize in e-commerce website design for businesses of all sizes. Talk to us today about your web design, branding, and online marketing needs.

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