Easy WordPress Contact Form Plugins

Website owners no longer have to pull the hairs out of their head by the handful any longer when creating contact forms for WordPress. These four new ‘must have’ plugins will help make life a lot easier.

For people who dread creating contact forms for WordPress websites can now consider this frustration a thing of the past. There are a few new wordpress contact form plugins to choose from that will save designers a significant amount of time and energy during a web design project. In this web design news article, you will find the following contact form plugins:

WordPress Contact Form Plugin 1: Tiny Contact Form

To create a simple contact form without all the bells and whistles, the Tiny Contact Form is a good choice. Creating this form is simple. It comes with a widget to make sidebar integration almost effortless.

WordPress Contact Form Plugin 2: MM Forms Community

With this WordPress contact form plugin, users can receive a host of design amenities such as HTML layout capabilities, Akismet spam filtering, CAPTCHA Prevention, field creator, etc. Those who have basic web knowledge can create web forms with MM Forms Community.

WordPress Contact Form Plugin 3: cformsII

This cool plugin has a wide-variety of features. It serves more than a general contact form. It can be used as a ‘tell a friend’ feature and it can replace built-in comments. This WordPress contact form plugin lets you clone forms, attach files and it supports AJAX submission for forms.

WordPress Contact Form Plugin 4: Contact Form 7

This contact form is very easy to install. Users can develop an unlimited amount of forms. Best of all, Contact Form 7 allows one to customize their forms.

Benefits of Using a Contact Form

The obvious reason to use a contact form is for new and existing clients to get in contact with businesses or organizations. When a website owner includes a strong call to action along with their contact form, it provides the perfect opportunity to get information about people who may not be ready to make a purchase or sign up for services.

Get Help in Installing a Contact Form

for a WordPress Website This website design news article was written by Flying Cow Design. They provide a variety of web design services ranging from custom web development to search engine optimization. They have successfully created several custom designed contact forms for their clients in a variety of industries.
To find out more website design news, visit: FlyingCowDesign.com.

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g Easy WordPress Contact Form Plugins

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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