Website Design Tips to Help You Gain More Clients

website-design-1-300x185 Website Design Tips to Help You Gain More ClientsEvery website owner desires to gain more customers and increase website sales. To accomplish this goal, there are three basic tips every website owner should follow.

Entrepreneurs, small business owners and large corporations all have one thing in common, they all desire to increase website sales. To achieve this, a website needs more than a great product to sell at an affordable price. The following are a few tried and true tips successful website owners use to gain more clients.


1. Provide a Powerful Hook

Many websites fail because they don’t have a powerful hook. The most successful websites are the ones that provide the end-user a special offer. Your website hook can be a 25% off coupon, a free e-book download or even a free product trial. This encourages web visitors to purchase products.

2. Branding Services & Web Design Should Compliment a Product/Service

The graphic design images and web design layout should compliment the product or service a seller is offering. Often times, many entrepreneurs will sell a great product but the website design and graphic images spoil the whole look and feel of the site.
Website design news experts suggest using original photos and well designed graphics on a website. They also recommend hiring a professional web designer and graphic designer to perfect a company’s brand image on the Internet. A professional will create graphic designs that will enhance a company’s product and services.

3. Answer Web Visitors Questions Immediately

The moment a visitor lands on a web page, they should immediately find answers to their questions. Here are four basic questions every website should answer:
1. What website is this?
2. What is this website about?
3. Do they have what I want?
4. Are the products superior to the products I’m currently using?

A website owner should use a combination of engaging content (text, video, etc) and creative graphic designs to answer the above questions. If a web visitors questions aren’t immediately answered, they will more than likely abandon the site and never return.

There are many other website design tips to follow. The tips above can help any website owner improve their web presence and help increase sales.

This website design news article was written by Flying Cow Design. Flying Cow Design is a top website design company providing a variety of web solutions. Their web solutions include website design, logo design, web development and more.

To find out the latest website design news, visit: today!

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CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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