What is swf?

what-is-swf-1024x549 What is swf?

SWF means ‘Small Wave Format’ however, it is also called Shock wave Flash. Macromedia first created it, and now Adobe owns it and Shock wave Flash. SWF files contain video, sound, and vector-based animations. SWF is the file format supported by Adobe Flash Player, the leading software which allows users to enjoy videos, graphs, sounds and other images online. Most online video games played over a web browser use SWF for the flash video.

What does SWF mean? And why do you use it almost every time you turn on your computer? Read this article to discover more.

SWF Meaning

Adobe’s SWF brings graphics, images, games, and sounds to life. SWF files can be created by a variety of Adobe products, most of which you’re probably already familiar. From Flash and Flash Builder to After Effects (used to make special effects in films and television shows), SWF files are an important part of the everyday online experience. In fact, without SWF files, it’s very possible that the interactive component to the World Wide Web would fall far below what we’ve come to expect today.

Recent research has indicated that at least 98% of all computers have Adobe Flash Player, with an astonishing 90% claiming to have the most recently updated version of Flash Player. Considering the extreme popularity of video sites like YouTube, Music.ly, and Instagram, learning more about SWF is crucial to your success as a website owner and user. While Adobe is the number one software for these files, other software programs can create SWF files as well.

How to Play SWF Files

Adobe Flash Player, or other free flash player, is required to play files with the .swf extension. Some web browsers (Edge, Internet Explorer, and Firefox) play .swf files like a flash video or flash movie automatically; however, Google Chrome does not offer this feature. Some gaming systems like Playstation and Nintendo brands will play SWF files if the web browser is used.

Free flash players are available on the web if you do not have or plan to get Adobe Flash Player. Some of the free flash players will not play games.

How to Convert SWF Files

To change the SWF format, you will need a video file converter. There are several free video file converters available on the internet such as Freemake Video Converter. You can convert SWF files into the audio or video file format you need such as MP3, MP4, MOV, AVI or HTML5.

Editing SWF Files

Editing SWF files is not an easy task. Since they are compiled of Adobe Animate Animation files or FLA files, you should edit the original FLA file. Then you can convert it to an SWF file.

Mac owners can use a converter called Flash Decompiler Trillix to convert SWF files without needing Adobe Flash Player.

Adobe Flash

Getting to know the meaning of SWF comes hand-in-hand with learning more about Adobe Flash. This multimedia platform has been used to create the videos, games, and images that have permeated the everyday online user experience. Flash and SWF files can be used on multiple operating systems; however, that does not mean that Adobe has not run into its own fair share of controversy.

Given the popularity of online advertising via graphics and videos, many users have grown frustrated at the over saturation of Adobe Flash on today’s internet. These same users believe that Flash and SWF files have contributed to an online experience that is highly annoying, incredibly intrusive and detrimental to an operating system’s functionality. (If you have ever had your browser crash due to a problem with Adobe, then you know exactly what we mean.) That is why many operating systems and software now allow users to block Adobe Flash Player, and SWF files altogether.

SWF – An Important Part of the Online Experience

No matter where you stand on the Adobe Flash debate, there is no denying that SWF files are inextricably linked to the online experience. After all, where would we be without interactive online videos, rich graphics, intense sounds and the internet games that keep us entertained?

SWF files have played an important role in the past and undoubtedly will play an essential role in the future of online multimedia as Adobe continues to grow and develop more multimedia products.

Visit the Flash Animation and Media FAQ section of Flying Cow Design to know more about SWF.

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g What is swf?

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

October 14th, 2016

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