The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan Page

Facebook is one of the most powerful social networking sites online. It offers businesses from around the world the opportunity to connect with friends, relatives, clients and even competitors. If you’re thinking about promoting your business on Facebook, there are a few things that you will need to consider. Read the entire website design news article…

facebook-page-300x161 The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan PageA Facebook fan page can really help an entrepreneur boost his/her bottom-line — when it’s done the right way. If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you would have probably noticed the sponsored ads that offer free Facebook fan page template designs.

Website design news experts suggest that entrepreneurs avoid using free pre-designed fan page templates. The majority of these templates possess sub-standard designs. For example, a typical pre-designed Fan page template will have bright flashy colors with teenie-bop graphic images. More conservative designs appear generic and monotonous.

The first thing that followers notice when they land on a fan page is not the products (or service) a company is promoting. They notice the brand, profile images and the color schemes.

A Facebook fan page can be compared to a window display at a boutique on 5th Avenue – NYC. In order to attract window shoppers; you must hire the best in the business to create an eye-catching window display.

Facebook fans are like window shoppers. If you want your Facebook fans to share your page with their friends and co-workers, you’ll need to design a custom Facebook fan page.

Entrepreneurs who are serious about attracting potential customers on Facebook should hire a skilled web designer to ‘invent’ a customized Facebook fan page.

In addition to having a customized Facebook fan page, it is important to select a good name for the fan page. If you have an existing fan page and you’re having difficulty receiving visits, this is a strong indication that your page name is not communicating to people what your page is about. Make sure you select a name that includes your business name or at least relevant keywords within the title.

When you follow the web design news tips above, it will help add value to your business. This is how you improve your web presence and increase sales.

This website design news article was written by Flying Cow Design. Flying Cow Design provides professional web design, logo design services and much more. To find out the latest website design news, visit today!

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan Page

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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