When a 10-year used Halloween trick-or-treat as a fund raiser for Katrina victims, it became an inspiration, not just for the kids around the world, but for grown-ups as well. So much so, that UNICEF named Talia Leman as its National Youth Ambassador for the year 2005. Now 17, Talia continues her efforts to help those in need through her website RandomKid, recently designed and launched by Flying Cow Design. Below is a news excerpt from CNN.com, where Talia was featured. American Morning – CNN.com
VERJEE: Our weekly “Extra Effort” segment pays tribute to those going the extra mile to help others. Now, this morning it’s 10-year- old Talia Leman from Iowa. She basically got a jump on Halloween with a trick-or-treat fund-raiser for Katrina victims. In fact, UNICEF has named her its national youth ambassador for 2005. And she is our guest this morning.
Wow! That’s pretty good. Are you excited? TALIA LEMAN, UNICEF NATIONAL YOUTH AMBASSADOR: Yes.
VERJEE: That’s amazing. How did you come up with this idea?
LEMAN: Well, I really wanted to help out. And, well, I figured if I didn’t do it, well, how do you know that someone else is going do it?
CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area