Congratulations, you’re thinking about starting a blog. You can finally join the ranks of thousands of blog owners on the web who are connecting with readers daily. Whether you’re starting a blog to promote your business, to sell ad space or to promote affiliate products, there are a few things you need to know. After you have selected a catchy blog name, domain name and hosting company, make sure you consider the following tips for blogging:
Focus on your audience. Many people will start a blog without even considering the preferences of their future readers. It is important that you think about your audience before starting a blog. Many blogs fail because they don’t focus on their readers needs. If you want to find subscribers (and keep them), you have to be willing to provide content that will actually interest your readers.
For example, let’s say that you want to start a fitness blog to promote your new fiber drink. If all of your content reads like a 2 for 1 sale advertisement, you will lose your readers interests. People could care less about your products. You have to be able to hook their interest with content that will provide solutions to their problems and answers to their questions. Then offer your product as a solution without sounding like an annoying sales pitch.
Provide user-friendly content. Unless your blog audience consists of techies and science geeks, avoid using complicated words or technical terminology. There’s no point in using complicated words to stay-at-home moms who just want to learn how to save money on home school supplies. A blog’s written content should be easy to read and scannable. This is how you generate interest and credibility among your readers.
Add quality photos. Make sure you add eye-catching photos to your blog. You can purchase quality photos from stock photo sites if you don’t have your own photos to post. Avoid using photos from free-based sites and never steal photos from your fellow web bloggers. When you use photos from other sites without getting permission, you could run the risk of getting sued.
Be consistent. If you want to receive good results from blogging, you must be consistent with providing content regularly. Often times, many new bloggers are gung-ho at first and then their enthusiasm dwindles. If you’re unable to feed your readers with great content regularly, consider hiring a professional blog writer to generate content for you.
Make your blog interactive. If you want your blog visitors to subscribe to your blog and return in the future, you must entertain them with interactive content. Consider providing them with interesting video or audio clips. Allow them to post comments and provide feedback. Blog readers become loyal fans when blog owners provide interactive blogs.
>Share your blog posts. When you post an interesting article or video, make sure you share it on Facebook, Twitter, Digg and other social media sites. Integrate share buttons so that your readers can easily share your blog content with their friends. If you provide people with interesting content, you should have no problem with getting dedicated readers.
For more information of blogging, visit the Web Design FAQ section of
CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area