New York Times backs Talia for President in 2044


Whether it is being appointed National Youth President by UNICEF or getting the backing of New York Times for President in 2044, accolades for Talia Leman’s continuing effort to make a difference keep flowing. Talia founded RandomKid, a worldwide non-profit to support causes around the world and the website, recently designed and launched by Flying Cow Design will help her connect with millions of children who share her vision around the world. Below is an extract from New York Times citing support for Talia as President in 2044!

Talia for President – The New York Times

For those of you who don’t happen to be named Barack, change in the next four years might seem a spectator sport.
In the aftermath of a campaign, it’s natural to think that the agenda now is in the hands of our newly elected leaders, and that the agents of change will be government officials in Washington. Yet the best proof that you don’t need a White House pass to accomplish change comes from youthful social entrepreneurs around the country. Too naïve to realize that they are powerless, these kids are flexing remarkable muscle.

If your image of a philanthropist is a stout, gray geezer, then meet Talia Leman, an eighth grader in Iowa who loves soccer and swimming, and whose favorite subject is science. I’m supporting her for president in 2044.

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g New York Times backs Talia for President in 2044

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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