How to Build a Website?

how-to-design-a-website-300x189 How to Build a Website?Just about anyone these days can build a website. It has become easier over the years with website building tools available online. You can choose to use a website builder such as Squarespace or Wix or use a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or Drupal to have more creativity. This article provides steps on how to build a website in a short amount of time.

Step One -Choose a Platform

There are several platforms to choose from, all of which are easy to use. However, you need to ensure the one you decide works for you and your business. If you are not familiar with HTML or CSS coding, it would be wise to select a website template-based platform that you are familiar. However, the second alternative is to hire a web designer such as Flying Cow Design.

WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are all CMS platforms where you can be more creative with the look of your website.

Step Two – Register Your Domain Name

Go to or any other domain site and search for a catchy domain name. Make sure you choose a domain with keywords relevant to your business and content. Keep your domain name short and sweet. Avoid numbers; people do not want to remember if they were supposed to spell out the number. Choose a name people will remember and one that is easy to type. Make sure your domain name will stand out from others in your industry before choosing it. Ballistic Domains offers affordable pricing for a multitude of budgets.

Step Three – Select a Reliable Web Hosting Provider.

Do not just choose any web hosting provider, find a reliable web hosting provider. The company you choose could make or break your business. It is important you choose a reliable hosting company that helps guarantee your customers access to your website 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Depending on the hosting provider you choose, many providers offer domain names and hosting plans under one roof. You can choose a variety of extensions (.com, .net, .org, .us, etc.).

Step Four – Choose a Template

You have one of two options. You can buy a pre-designed template or hire a professional web designer to create a custom designed web template. The advantage of purchasing a pre-designed template is that you can purchase, download, and upload it directly to your website within a couple of hours. The downside to pre-designed templates is that they are not customizable. So, you are basically stuck with the design.

With a custom designed template, a professional web designer will create a website template that will enhance your company’s brand image. Once your template is created, you can upload it to your website on your own or the web designer can do it for you. Flying Cow Design can help you build your site to fit your need and brand.

Step Five – Customize Your Website Template

Most pre-designed templates allow you to drag and drop items wherever you want them on your page. This is especially convenient if you do not know code. You can add images that pop so you can bring your website to life. Add and edit pages as you need them and want to add high-quality content.

Step Six – Add High-Quality Content to Your Website.

A website is pointless without content. It is the content that persuades a web user to make a purchase, to register for a newsletter, or to contact you. Make sure you add content that is keyword rich. Your keywords must be relevant to your business or the product/service you are promoting.

Keep your content scannable and easy to read. When people visit your website, they will not have time to sift through 900 words just to find out what your business is about. Content should be short, sweet and to the point, especially if a portion of your visitors will be visiting your site from their tablet, mobile phone or other wireless devices.

Web Design is a very important aspect of promoting your business online. To know more about web design, visit the Web Design FAQ page on

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g How to Build a Website?

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 21st, 2013

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