4 Important Facts to Consider When Designing or Re-Designing a Website

website-design-300x185 4 Important Facts to Consider When Designing or Re-Designing a WebsiteWhen building a website, creative design is only one aspect of having a successful website. There are important facts every website owner should follow when building a new website or re-designing an existing website

All serious website owners have one thing in common – they all desire to build an online presence and increase their following. In order to accomplish this goal, there are certain rules every website owner should follow. The following are four important website design facts:

Fact #1: A domain name should be simple.

A domain name is like a brand. It should be simple enough for a web user to type it into a browser effortlessly. For SEO purposes, dashes and numbers should be avoided. These odd symbols may cause confusion to visitors. As far as the domain extension (.com, .us, .me, etc) is concerned, non-profit organizations should stick with .org and businesses should use .com.

Although there are many creative domain extensions available, it is highly recommended to keep it simple because most users are conditioned to typing standard extensions.

Fact #2: Contact information should be viewable.

A web user should easily find contact information on a website without hassle. Most users do not have the patience to search countless pages just to find a phone number or an email address. Web design news experts suggest placing contact information at the top right or left-hand corner of the home page. Additional web pages that follow should also contain easy-to-find contact information.
Website owners should provide more than one way of contact, for example, email, phone, contact form or chat.

Fact #3: Provide a strong call to action.

A website should be able to guide a visitor on ‘what to do’ once they have landed on a particular page. For example, a website owner may want a visitor to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, register for a n event or request a quote. This should be clearly displayed on every page.

Fact #4: Adding ‘relevant’ client testimonials establishes trust.

Online visitors love reading client testimonials. Adding testimonials to a website reassures a potential customer that they are making the right decision to register or purchase a product/service.

The facts presented in this website design news article only scratches the surface. There are several other important web design facts. These facts can help website owners’ jumpstart their websites in the right direction.

This website design news article was created by Flying Cow Design. Flying Cow Design is a web design company that offers a variety of web design solutions such as high end website design, eCommerce design, logo design and search engine optimization.

To find out more website design news, visit: FlyingCowDesign.com.

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g 4 Important Facts to Consider When Designing or Re-Designing a Website

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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