3 Important Things Your Website Needs before Attending a Speed Networking Event

Attending a speed networking event offline is an excellent way of building up your client list. However, before attending your next event, your website must be up to par.

website-1024x274 3 Important Things Your Website Needs before Attending a Speed Networking EventThere is nothing more embarrassing than witnessing your prospective client logging onto your site, from their iPad, only to discover a disorganized website. To avoid this from happening, make sure your website has the following:

Choose a Simple Domain Name

According to website design news experts, a website should have an easy to remember domain name. This is one of the most common website essentials. Whether you’re attending a networking event, trade show or you’re sending out email marketing letters to prospects, it is important to have a simple domain name.
Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of creating complicated domain names. In today’s hectic society, people don’t have the patience to type in long and complex domain names — the shorter the domain, the better. For example, if the name of your business is Jane’s Landscaping Services, LLC, a domain name such as janeslandscaping.com will suffice.

For SEO purposes, avoid using numbers or dashes within a domain, the search engines usually frown upon strange characters.

Provide High-Quality Content

Another mistake many entrepreneurs make is rushing to get their website launched and neglecting their content. During a speed networking function, a prospect may not have time to sit and read web content word-for-word. However, they will take a brief moment to scan through your content.
Web content should be scannable and easy to read. Make sure you include catchy titles and subheadings. If you want people to bookmark your site, you have to give them a reason to return to your site.

Provide Multiple Forms of Contact

It is important to post more than one form of contact on a website. Providing an email address is not enough. It is amazing how so many entrepreneurs only provide one form of contact. In addition to an email address, make sure you include a phone number and a physical address. Visitors usually avoid companies who don’t provide at least two forms of contact.
This website design news article was written by Flying Cow Design. They specialize in a variety of web design solutions including, corporate web design, logo design, print design, eCommerce design, flash design and much more. To find out more such website essentials and get the latest website design news, visit FlyingCowDesign.com today!

fb50c5bf790872a8ecad33a6bd15d358?s=100&d=mm&r=g 3 Important Things Your Website Needs before Attending a Speed Networking Event

CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

June 19th, 2013

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