Many graphic designers are breaking the rules when it comes to creating wedding invitations. Brides from around the world no longer have to settle for the traditional white invitations.
What is an IP Address?
A:Whenever you check your emails, there is information within the header or footer of the email form regarding an IP address
What Is a Domain Name?
A: Choosing a domain name is an important decision for any website owner.
What is Linux Hosting?
A: If you are wondering what is the definition of Linux Hosting, it is a type of web hosting using
What is SSL?
A:If you’ve found yourself asking what is SSL or you don’t think you need one, then we’d like to introduce you to a hypothetical
Wildcard SSL Certificates
A:If you’re looking to protect your website and secure unlimited sub domains for your online use, then it’s time to look into a Wildcard SSL certificate
What is FTP?
A: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a client program for transferring files from one computer to another computer.
What does .Com Stand For?
A:Whenever you check your emails, there is information within the header or footer of the email form regarding an IP address
Domain Names Explained
What is a Domain Name – Domain Names Explained Imagine a telephone directory. You look up your name to find your phone number. You call the phone num…
Choosing a Domain Name
Domain Name Search If you need help in finding the right domain name for you, we can help. Also choosing the best domain name for you…
SSL Certificate Installation Services
Secure Web Transactions : SSL Certificates. Ever been worried about credit card transactions on your website sending the money to the right place (yo…
Domain Names Branding
Domain Names: Internet Branding Considerations Branding Internet Keywords. Though having an internet searched keyword or two in your domain name may…
Hosting Plans
Flying Cow Design provides premium Linux and Windows hosting services through its subsidiary. Each Ballistic Hosting plan com..
Merchants Accounts
Merchant Accounts : What is a merchant account or payment gateway? Do you want to collect payments online automatically and have the funds deposited …
Email Harvesting Protection Services
We have covered email spam protection, and what you should do to protect yourself against it, and we have had a humorous story of what would happen if…
Email Accounts
How email works and fixing email problems All Flying Cow Design Hosting Plans come with enough email accounts for all of your needs. But how …
Email Spam Protection Services
Email Spam is defined as the sending unsolicited bulk emailing to thousands of recipients, often with identical or near identical content. It is illegal…
Common Web Design Mistakes
Professional web presence is a necessity to establish credibility, foster client relationships and gain new customers. Developing a web site on these lines can be challenging but the real challenge lies in making it usable and user friendly…
What are Cascading Style Sheets?
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS stand for the various styles used to create a web page. When CSS is used to create a page, it can help define the page formatting…
Advantages of HTML
People often think that HTML websites are history in today’s world of advanced Content Management Systems. This may not really be the case in many case…
301 Redirection
Especially when websites get redesigned or migrated to a new domain, there is a threat of taking a serious hit on your rankings and traffic because the …
Web Site Usability Testing
Website Usability Testing is necessary to make websites popular and to maintain revenue through online sales. Read below to understand usability testing and its importance….
How to Write Web Copy — Seven Web Copywriting Tips
Simply defined, web copy is text specifically created for use on web pages. Good copy understands and addresses the needs of the website’s audience. What people search for – or keywords – are an indicator of your audience’s needs…
Types of Websites Explained
Originally, websites were purely informational. Educational, research institutions and government agencies made information available to each other through….
Website Launch Checklist
WordPress has been the most preferred blogging platform for a while now. Over the years, it has also emerged as a preferred content management system for websites and not just blogs.
How to Redesign a Website?
The need for redesigning a website can arise out of many reasons. The existing website may have a dated look and feel and may be built using old technologies. It may not look up with the times. It may no longer be truly representative of your business.
Website User Experience Design
There was a time, not too long ago, when websites were simple text-based pages focused on information dispensed in the form of text. For the most part, the web was used for scientific reports, government bodies and the likes. Improvements in broadband speed, greater penetration of the web.
What is Ajax
Ajax or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a means for website owners, designers and web developers to build web applications in a simple, fast and interactive manner. It’s been proven that well designed and executed web applications are a fun way to showcase your website and its capabilities
What is JavaScript?
We have all at one time or another had a pop-up come up on our computers while browsing websites: need to run Java, or need to update JavaScript. Many times people tend to get the two mixed up and often ask, what exactly is a JavaScript and how is it different from Java?
WordPress 3.6- What to Expect
WordPress has been the most preferred blogging platform for a while now. Over the years, it has also emerged as a preferred content management system…
How to Build an Ecommerce Website?
There are many steps one must take to successfully create, and learn how to build an ecommerce website. You must take into account a variety of factors, and use them all together. Although the process itself can appear daunting to someone who has never done it before, learning how to build an ecommerce website isn’t overly complicated. With proper planning, and following the steps outlined below, you too can create your own ecommerce website in no time. Step 1 – What are you going to sell? The most important question you must ask yourself when building an ecommerce website is what product are you going to sell. Let’s assume you’ve already chosen a product at this stage, or at least have one in mind. You must do extensive research if you want to succeed. You have to look deep into the numbers, and accurately gauge what costs you may encounter along the way. This should always be the first step in building an ecommerce website. Some potential questions to keep in mind are. – What profit margin can you expect after all operating costs? – How many products must you sell to reach these profits? – Is the profit margin worth your overall effort? – Are people going to buy your product, and if so why? As you can see, there are many questions you must answer when deciding what product you’re going to sell. The above list is only a small sample of the many questions you should be asking yourself. Take a hard look at the numbers, and be realistic. You don’t want to waste time and money selling a product that won’t sustain your business efforts. Step 2 – How are you going to sell it? The next question in learning how to design an ecommerce website is deciding how you’re going to sell your products. Yes, this is going to be done online, but how? Here are some of the questions you should be asking yourself. – Are you going to use an existing ecommerce platform, or build your own website? – If using a platform, which one should you choose? – How will you accept payments? – Are you selling one item at a time, or by wholesale? Obviously if you have web design experience, you may consider building your own ecommerce website, but what if you don’t have any? Luckily for you, there are …
How to Create an Online Store
By creating your own online store, it gives you the freedom of providing your customers what they want. Learning to create an online store is not as complicated as it may seem. You do not have to be a web design expert to create an attractive e-commerce platform to promote your products and services. Before you begin, you should have a general idea of the type of products you want to sell in your online store you want to build. Once you have decided on the type of online store you want, here are a few important steps to follow: Engaging Web Design An online store with an attractive web design typically gains more customers than a boring, unorganized website will. Your design should complement your brand name. If you know how to create designs or want to hire a web designer, you can create an attractive design. You can also choose from a predesigned e-commerce template that will fit your industry and products or services. The design you choose should have colorful, well-designed images with very little text to distract the customer from your design. Interesting About Us Page The “About Us” page should be informative for your site visitors, without adding information not relevant to your services or contacting you. It should tell who you are, what your vision or goal is, what products or services you offer. It should be clear to visitors how to they can contact you, place an order, and where you are located. This page is a good place to put customer reviews and attach links to your social media networks. Online Support Customers enjoy the convenience and ease of shopping at an e-commerce store on their time. When a customer runs into a problem with ordering or needs more information on a product, having online support available will ensure your customer is provided all the help they need. Multiple Payment Options When choosing a payment method gateway, ensure it accepts various payment options such as PayPal, major credit card, e-check. Your shopping cart should be easy to navigate and use. Ensure your customers have a way to save the products they want in case they need more time to decide. The most popular payment gateways include Authorize.Net, Google Checkout, PayPal. Major shipping carriers to use for your online store are USPS, UPS, and DHL. Advertise on Social Media Using your social media …
What is Ecommerce?
Ecommerce covers very diverse areas and fields, with one common denominator – All transactions are conducted through the internet. Both for-profit and non-profit organizations have sprung up and blossomed as result of the internet. Millions of transactions, if not billions, are conducted every day on the web, using business models and procedures undreamed of thirty years ago. What Types of Businesses Use the Internet? What business does not use the internet today? There must be a couple of them out there, but not too many. Ecommerce covers literally every type of online transaction: buying and selling of products and services, Electronic Funds Transfer between buyers, sellers, banks and credit cards, Inventory Management Systems keeping track of a manufacturer’s supply of raw materials and parts, reordering from a designated supplier when the inventory level drops too low. Online Marketing and Advertising presents some unique and challenging experiences for an old trade. These Online Retailers, or e-tailers, can list, advertise, market, sell, ship and collect money on a transaction without leaving their home, office cubicle or store. Online transactions can take place Business-to-Business (B2B), or Business-to-Consumers (B2C). Are They Strictly Online Businesses? Online businesses are either called Pure Click or Brick and Click. A Pure Click business is a company that ventures into business with no previous experience. Since their transactions are rarely face-to-face, a dynamite web site and superior customer service is extremely important to increasing the online exposure and business. The other online business is called Brick and Click because they started out as a company prior to the advent of the internet, and have expanded to include an online business. Some Brick and Clicks keep both operations running, and some close down their Brick presence and operate strictly online. How are Businesses Online Regulated? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates Ecommerce. They generally investigate the same unfair business practices that may exist in the brick and mortar world. The Federal Trade Commission monitors things like false or misleading online advertising, fraud involving credit cards, or mail fraud. They also investigate online companies’ solicitations of consumer’s personal information as to the validity of the solicitation, and the promises of security a company might make about keeping that personal information safe. The rapid creation and development of the internet has brought about immense changes in the world of ecommerce. Some personal examples I can relay to you concern a hobby of …
Ecommerce Integration
We live in a connected, small world where reaching the other end of the world is just a click away. This interconnected world also means that for businesses, the world could be a marketplace. Products and services can reach the farthest corners of the world giving new opportunities for an exponential business growth. However, unlike a local store, your customers cannot swipe a card or pay cash to the cashier. So the challenge of receiving payments, giving receipts and other aspects of ecommerce make it necessary for websites to be able to generate invoices, receive payments and give receipts without human intervention. This is where ecommerce integration comes in. What is Ecommerce Integration? Ecommerce integration is about integrating a payment gateway, shopping cart and other elements of ecommerce into a website to facilitate buying and selling of products and services online. Technically speaking, the two way communication between the visitor through the website interface that a visitor sees and the databases and back-end systems that allow online ecommerce. It is the system that lets the website know what the customer wants, what color, how much, any other specifications, shipping details, and much more. Ecommerce integration gets an entire process rolling that includes inventories, accounting and billing, customer history and relationship management, logistics, cancellations, refunds, returns, feedback and much more. Importance of Ecommerce Integration Success in ecommerce is much more than merely integrating a shopping cart and payment gateway on the website. These two would give ecommerce capability to your website. But ecommerce is also about the experience of doing business with a website. This is where back-end ecommerce integration can make a huge difference by eliminating inefficiencies and building an integrated system that ensures customer delight. For instance, how do you track a customer’s past purchase history and make recommendations? A simple thing like knowing that a customer purchases a certain brand and quantity of coffee in the first week of every month — and then suggesting it while the customer returns to the site in the first week of the month can go a long way in delighting the customer. Or suggesting a gift purchase a week before an anniversary or sending a discount gift cart just ahead of an important date can mean maximizing business in addition to building customer loyalty. These are just two examples of customer experience. Like this, there can be thousands of …
How to Do SEO?
Website owners and developers know how important search engine optimization or SEO is to the success of any website. Proper SEO is vital in obtaining a high ranking in search engines. Unfortunately, many web developers do not master the basics of optimizing a website which can lead to disappointing results. On the other hand, knowing how to do SEO results in a website that consistently produces the desired outcome. Identifying the Audience The first part of learning how to do search engine optimization is marketing to the right audience. It is useless to know how to optimize a website if the target audience is unclear. Start by attempting to get into the mind of potential viewers. Think about what terms they would search for if they are looking for the product or service offered. This will help you to choose terms that are in line with your goals. Consider the specifics of the audience and what their motives for searching may be. For instance, whether they are window shopping or are ready to spend. Knowing this will lead you to choosing search terms that entice buyers. Once the target audience is identified, it is easy to come up with a relevant list of keywords. The Importance of Page Titles One of the most vital elements in search engine optimization is the title tag or page title. The page title is visible at the top of the web browser on any page. The words of the page title also are displayed as blue links in Google search results. Knowing how to SEO your website effectively means making the most of this exposure by placing the search terms in the page titles. Keep the titles brief but appealing and place the most important keywords in the beginning of the page title. While this may take practice, it will pay off in the long run. Displaying Contact Information One tip that web developers use is to include the address and phone number of a business on each page of the website. This strategy is not only convenient for visitors to the site, but also serves to strengthen the location within search engines. Businesses with several locations usually have a separate web page for each location and link them to several pages within the website. Usually, another page is created that has a list of all of business’s locations. The home page should have …
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Anyone who uses the internet on a regular basis will frequently come across the term ‘search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Someone who is merely browsing the internet may see the term and ponder over the meaning of search engine optimization? But while the average person may be simply curious about its meaning, website owners are fully aware that answering the question can be vital to their marketing strategies and website success. Definition of Search Engine Optimization Most often, websites and web pages are found on the internet through search engines. In essence, SEO is used to improve visibility of a website within a search engine. The basis of search engine optimization is using various tools to increase search engine rank of a website and placing it in the most favorable position so that it appears more frequently when a person makes a query through a search engine. When a person is looking for a topic through a search engine such as Google, search results will appear in a list. Higher ranking sites in the list of search results are displayed first, which draws more visitors to the website. What is Search Engine Optimization Used For? On the internet search engine optimization is most often used as a marketing strategy. SEO targets different types of searches such as local, news, images and videos. This information is used to track what people are looking for, including the exact terms that are typed into the search engine. A website can be optimized to make it relevant to specific keywords or phrases. SEO is also used to eliminate some indexing obstructions contained in some search engines. This includes the ability of a search engine to index information contained within forms and other content such as frames, flash and Java applets. Content and Search Engine Visibility Important to the basic understanding search engine optimization is awareness of how search engines function. Even if the website is technically built correctly, there may be issues that prohibit a search engine from seeing some of its content. For instance, if a website contains broken links or insufficient link structure, search engines will not be able to read all of the website content. The reason for this is that search technology displays results based upon relevance and importance to the search term. In order to generate website popularity, which is the job of the search engine, the …
What is SEO?
Are you wondering What is SEO? You have more than likely come across several online marketing ads promoting SEO on social media sites and business sites. Search engine optimization (SEO) is basically a method used to improve the visibility of a web page or website in search engines (e.g. Google, Bing, etc) through organic (un-paid) or natural search results. In other words, it is a technical form of web marketing that attracts people to websites. What is SEO Useful for? Think about how many times you enter words, phrases or a question into the Google or Yahoo search engine. The words that you enter draw up websites that contain the exact query term. For example, if you type in “healthy recipes”, a listing of recipe sites will populate onto the screen. Websites that get listed high within the search engines are the ones that perform SEO the proper way. Website owners with SEO optimized content are more likely to be noticed by their target audience than those who do not. Optimized content is simply web text that contains carefully research keyword phrases related to a website’s theme, product or service offering. SEO is Efficient SEO is a legitimate technique to use to help get your website rated higher in the search engines. Search engines pick up on the density of the SEO in a website and then it ranks the website in response to the search query. If you are looking to build more traffic on your website, using SEO is the best way to do it. SEO is also a very a cost-effective and efficient strategy that can boost your online presence and help your website become more profitable. Once you have a better understanding of how SEO works, you no longer have to wonder what does SEO stand for. Why Should I use SEO? Is SEO necessary for every website? If you want to drive more specified traffic to your website and actually market your website, then yes you need SEO. Whether you’re promoting an e-commerce website, affiliate marketing site, small business, corporate services or a non-profit organization, Search Engine Optimization is crucial and irreplaceable. One way to help boost your online ranking is to hire an SEO consultant to help revamp your website content. There are also multiple resources and services that you can use to boost your SEO content. Black Hat SEO Search engines follow a …
How to Increase Website Traffic?
Every serious website owner has one thing in common – they all want to learn how to increase website traffic. The best thing about increasing website traffic is that there are several ways of going about it. If you want to become a pro and learn how to increase site traffic, try the following website traffic building tips: Become a Guest Blogger Becoming a guest blogger is an excellent way to help boost traffic to your website or blog. All it requires is a little research to find the best blog sites out there and reviewing their blog writing guidelines. Most blog owners will allow you to include a link directly to your website. Then it takes time to create the blog article. If you don’t enjoy writing, consider hiring a professional blog writer to create the article for you. Article Marketing When you write interesting articles and publish them on popular article directories, you can increase traffic to your website. The most popular article directory sites include: Article Dashboard, Article Base, Ezine Articles, Go Articles and many more. Create a Facebook Fan Page Creating a Facebook fan page will help increase your exposure. Consider hiring a web design company to create a custom designed page for you. This will not only improve your brand image, it will separate your page from the rest. Whenever you write a new article or a blog post, you should tweet it. This will help increase traffic to your website. You also will increase your exposure every time a person re-tweets or shares your post. Twitter Whenever you write a new article or a blog post, you should tweet it. This will help increase traffic to your website. You also will increase your exposure every time a person re-tweets or shares your post. Forum Posting Posting comments and posts on forums can help increase your traffic if it’s done the proper way. In order to increase traffic, you must be able to provide your fellow forum users with engaging topics and conversations. Make sure you are subtle about promoting your site. Most forums will allow you to post a link to your website in your profile. Some are even more generous by allowing forum guests to post a link to their website after posting a comment or a new thread. Comment on Blogs Don’t comment on just any blog. Make sure you post comments …
What is Website Traffic?
If you are new to the online business world, you’re probably be wondering what is online traffic? Understanding what is web traffic will help you establish a successful website. The majority of your success will stem from the amount of website traffic you receive. Think about it, if no one sees your website, then you are not going to gain sales or subscribers. If you have been asking what is website traffic? The following article will help shed some light on the subject matter. How Many People Visit My Website? Although most people compare the word ‘traffic’ to being stuck in commuter traffic, in the Internet world, the more traffic you have, the more successful your website becomes. Website traffic is actually the measurement of how many people visit your website daily. This number will vary from day to day. In order for a website to be successful, you need to have people actually visiting your website. Why is Website Traffic Important? If you ask yourself what is website traffic? Then you probably have never thought about the number of people who will actually visit your website to research and read your website content. You need to have a website so that you can bring more action to your cause or reel in more interested clients for the services that you provide. Without people coming to your website, it is pointless. There are many ways to generate this sort of traffic whether it is via a newsletter, search engine optimization or linking from one website to your own site. How Many People Should Visit My Site? The amount of people who visit your website depends on multiple factors. If you are a business owner and want to make online sales, then it is imperative that you have as much targeted website traffic as possible. Remember, you do not want just any kind of visitor. There’s no point in owning an online couture jewelry store if all of your visitors are interested in buying used car parts. You want visitors who will actually be interested in what your site has to offer. This is the only way that you can generate a sale or fulfill the overall purpose of your website. There are many techniques that can be used in order to drive the traffic up for your website. You can use PPC (Pay-Per-Click), social media marketing, link building and more. …
What is Online Marketing?
Every business that owns a website utilizes online marketing, or at least should. Business owners either do their own online marketing or they pay professional online marketers to promote their business for them. With online marketing, your target market can be local or global. Regardless of the target audience, every business needs online marketing. Without online marketing, it will be impossible to get noticed online. Online Marketing Definition Online Marketing (or Internet Marketing) is basically the promotion of products and services by way of the web. Online marketing provides a variety of benefits. Unlike traditional marketing (magazine ads, newspaper ads, radio ads, TV infomercials, etc.) it is more cost effective and you can reach a broader spectrum of people. If your website is promoted the proper way, it has the potential to reach thousands (if not millions) of prospective customers. This is very difficult and expensive to do by using traditional methods. In order to reach people with online marketing, you need more than a great product to sell and an attractive website to display it on. What is online marketing and how can you benefit from using it? Here are a few online marketing tips: Article Marketing The good thing about article marketing is that it is a very affordable online marketing solution. The only investment is the time you put into creating the articles. If time is not on your side, you can hire professional article writers to handle your online content creation. Once your articles have been written, all you have to do is submit them to online article directories. You might want to consider hiring an article marketing company or SEO company to handle the article submission process for you. This will save you a considerable amount of time. Blogging Creating a blog is an excellent way to connect with your existing and potential customers. The purpose of a blog is not to post random blog articles just for the sake of having a blog. The overall purpose is to develop rapport with new prospects or educate your readers about a particular subject matter. Plus, the search engines love blogs that are well maintained and provide relevant content. Online Video Marketing Online video marketing is a great marketing tool to help promote a product or service on the web. In addition to blogs, the search engines also love to rank video results. If you want to …
What is Joomla?
If you’ve found yourself asking the question, what is Joomla?, then you’re in luck: this article will detail exactly what you can expect from Joomla, including why it’s one of the best content management systems out there for website owners, developers and Fortune 500 companies alike. What is Joomla? To put it simply, Joomla is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to control and track every component of your website from an easy-to-navigate user dashboard. Joomla is incredibly popular due to its uncanny ability to be used by individuals with a range of technological prowess. Whether you consider yourself a newbie to building websites or you could build one in your sleep, Joomla can be used by anyone. Additionally, Joomla is an open source content management system, meaning it’s free to use. Given that Joomla is such an innovative CMS, it’s regarded as the go-to content management software system online today. The Benefits of Using Joomla Now that you know a little more about what Joomla is and how it works, let’s take a closer look at the incredible benefits of this free content management system: If you need multiple users for your website (and chances are, as a busy website owner, you do!), then Joomla has exactly what you’re looking for. Joomla allows you to set various permission levels for your website’s users, meaning that the structure or content of your site won’t be accidentally changed while you’re on vacation. Joomla works off an easy template format, which is visually simple and incredibly user-friendly. For example, if you want to update a webpage or create a new one altogether, simply drop your new content into the template and your website will automatically adjust itself to include this new addition. Website building and updating has never been this efficient! As previously mentioned, Joomla requires little to no technological experience to use it. Unlike older content management systems which required significant coding knowledge, you can build web pages without even knowing the difference between HTML and CSS. Finally, as Joomla is an open source content management system, you can expect that it will continually be updated with even more efficient tools and resources. Recently, Joomla has incorporated WordPress and ecommerce software options into its CM software, which makes it the perfect choice for entrepreneurs looking to build an online empire. A Powerful Content Management Option While there are some …
What is a URL?
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is often described as an identifying resource on the Internet. The URL was created by Tim Berners Lee in 1994. Parts of a URL A URL has a scheme name, also called protocol, followed by colon, two forward slashes, a domain name or IP address and a port number. The purpose of the scheme name is to define the namespace, syntax and the purpose of the other part of the URL. A software processes the URL by its context and scheme. For instance, if you type, the web browser will reference the URL by sending an HTTP request to the host through port number 80. Likewise, if you type the URL mailto: admin@xyz.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , the email composing application on your PC may launch to execute the said task, with the email address admin@xyz.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it listed in the “To” field. Some other scheme names include ftp, https, gopher and ways. An https scheme ensures that the requests and responses are only made across a secure connection to the site. For schemes that require greater security, authentications in the form of username and password may be embedded. The domain or IP address used in the URL points the location where the requested web page or website exists on the internet. For instance, the domain “” is the address of Facebook website. Domain names are not case-sensitive. It is optional to enter the port number. If you omit the port number, the default port for the scheme will be used. For http scheme, 80 is the default port number, whereas for an https scheme, the port number is 443. What is URL : Absolute VS Relative? When you have uploaded a Web document or image, you will need to think how to best link to them. Generally, there are two accepted ways of creating links: Absolute paths Relative paths Absolute URL As the name suggests, absolute URLs refer to a specific location that includes the domain name. For instance, the absolute path to a document can be: absolute path is typically used to point to elements of a web which are on a domain other than your own. On the other hand, if you refer to an element that …
What is PHP?
Many of us have heard the term PHP but do not know what is PHP? PHP is one of the most popular and widely used scripting languages for the development of web pages. Working with PHP scripts is fairly easy if your server supports it. All you need to do is create your files with .php extensions and upload them to your web directory. The server will take these files and parse them without any extra compilation steps. PHP is used for server-side web development and hence is deployed on web servers, operating systems and platforms. PHP is a free software and also has a command line interface. It is packed with multiple features that provide enough controls if you want to move into advanced programming. How to Use PHP? The main areas where PHP is used are: Server side scripting: Most widely used, where you can run the web server with PHP support and create dynamic pages Command Line support: Run the PHP script without any browser. In this case you will only need PHP parser. Desktop applications: PHP is not very widely used for desktop applications but an advanced programmer can use it with separately available PHP programs like PHP-GTK. Features of PHP The following are the major feature sets and functionalities supported by PHP: The operating systems supported by PHP are Linux, UNIX variants, MS Windows, MAC and RISC. Most web servers support PHP like, Apache, IIS, and any server that utilizes Fast CGI PHP binary. You have the flexibility of many outputs like, HTML, images, PDF files, Flash movies, XHTML or XML files. There are many databases supported including DBA, ODBC, MySQL and many more. PHP can use variety of communication protocols like, LDAP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, COM and many others to communicate with other services. Text processing features are very useful where PHP standardizes all XML extensions on libxml2. PHP Against Other Web Programming Languages ASP – ASP is used only on the Microsoft Information Server (IIS) Platform. This is one of its major limitations. If you are using IIS platform, ASP comes by default and might be a good starting point but you will need to buy additional components for advanced programming. ColdFusion – It is available only on Windows, Solaris, Linux, MacOS and AIX. An excellent competitor initially but the latest PHP version matches its performance on error handling, database abstraction and …
Starting a Blog
Congratulations, you’re thinking about starting a blog. You can finally join the ranks of thousands of blog owners on the web who are connecting with readers daily. Whether you’re starting a blog to promote your business, to sell ad space or to promote affiliate products, there are a few things you need to know. After you have selected a catchy blog name, domain name and hosting company, make sure you consider the following tips for blogging: Focus on your audience. Many people will start a blog without even considering the preferences of their future readers. It is important that you think about your audience before starting a blog. Many blogs fail because they don’t focus on their readers needs. If you want to find subscribers (and keep them), you have to be willing to provide content that will actually interest your readers. For example, let’s say that you want to start a fitness blog to promote your new fiber drink. If all of your content reads like a 2 for 1 sale advertisement, you will lose your readers interests. People could care less about your products. You have to be able to hook their interest with content that will provide solutions to their problems and answers to their questions. Then offer your product as a solution without sounding like an annoying sales pitch. Provide user-friendly content. Unless your blog audience consists of techies and science geeks, avoid using complicated words or technical terminology. There’s no point in using complicated words to stay-at-home moms who just want to learn how to save money on home school supplies. A blog’s written content should be easy to read and scannable. This is how you generate interest and credibility among your readers. Add quality photos. Make sure you add eye-catching photos to your blog. You can purchase quality photos from stock photo sites if you don’t have your own photos to post. Avoid using photos from free-based sites and never steal photos from your fellow web bloggers. When you use photos from other sites without getting permission, you could run the risk of getting sued. Be consistent. If you want to receive good results from blogging, you must be consistent with providing content regularly. Often times, many new bloggers are gung-ho at first and then their enthusiasm dwindles. If you’re unable to feed your readers with great content regularly, consider hiring a professional blog …
How to Design a Blog?
We all know the importance of good, relevant, quality content in any marketing and advertising communication. Your website and its content is key to your business. It is important to keep your content updated regularly for search engines to index more pages and display your website at the top of search results. A blog reflects what your company stands for, acts as the company voice, and is a great way to reach out to the target audience. It is also a channel that lets you communicate in an informal – and often humorous – tones to your audience. Blog posts have the potential to be shared on various platforms, thereby increasing reach. Blogs also enable comments from users around the world and serve as a great platform to interact with existing or potential customers. Businesses strive to reach their target audience with superlative, keyword-rich content and blog. However, they often overlook a vital factor that is essential to attain and more importantly, to sustain the attention of visitors: Design. In the words of Thomas J. Watson, Chairman and CEO of IBM (1914-56), “Good design is good business.” How do you design a blog? Below are factors that can help you create a well-designed blog – or improve your existing blog. Blogging Platform: There are several blogging platforms you can choose from – Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr and the more recent Squarespace and Ghost. If you are not sure which one to finalize, you can test out their trial offers. If you’re well-versed with coding, you can even create your own blog from ground zero and make it an extension of your existing website. Template: Select a blog theme and a design layout that supports your business goal. If it resonates with your brand and your website without compromising on user experience, then you have made the right choice. A lot of ready-made (free and paid) templates are available to choose from. You can customize the templates to suit your blog purpose and need. Colors: If your company has brand guidelines, don’t veer too far away from them. Explore the primary, secondary and tertiary colors that you can incorporate and use them as standalone or in aesthetic combinations. Do not use too many colors and several bright colors in the same space. Search Box: If your latest post is not what a visitor to the blog is looking for, he/she can …
What is HTML?
Today there are many computing and computer programming languages that are in use. Different programmers have different languages that they are fluent in. As a computer programmer, it is usually important that you make sure you understand a particular language to be able to use it adequately. One of the most widely used computer languages is HTML. HTML simply means Hyper Text Markup Language. This computer language is one of the most basic, and almost all computer and web programmers know about it. As a matter of fact, it is considered a basic requirement for anyone who wants to have a great career in computing and web design. Though you can advance to some other web languages later on like PHP and Java, you need to gain a basic insight on how to work with HTML for you to advance to greater things. The importance of HTML cannot be emphasized any further than necessary. If you are to understand something about web pages and their design, you will realize that the pages usually have a way of linking between each other and communicating with each other. The language through which the web pages communicate is called a hypertext link. Therefore, whatever computing language you use, the basics and the building blocks of these languages has to be HTML. The Importance of HTML Apart from being the starting point of all the web design languages, HTML does have a lot of other uses. First of all, it is through HTML that all the web pages within a website are linked together. Besides linking pages within a website, you are also able to create multiple links from your web page to so many other web pages on the internet, thanks to HTML. Understanding HTML is very helpful, especially if you are a web designer. Knowing HTML will open up several pathways for you to get creative with your web page. So many people today are running flash and other applications on their web pages, and the only way through which they are able to do this is by making use of some of the knowledge that they have mustered about HTML. With HTML, you are able to introduce a lot of new and interesting features to your website. This includes the use of multimedia messages and interfaces on which users can share and enjoy the functionality of your website. The other reason …
How to Build a Website?
Just about anyone these days can build a website. It has become easier over the years with website building tools available online. You can choose to use a website builder such as Squarespace or Wix or use a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or Drupal to have more creativity. This article provides steps on how to build a website in a short amount of time. Step One -Choose a Platform There are several platforms to choose from, all of which are easy to use. However, you need to ensure the one you decide works for you and your business. If you are not familiar with HTML or CSS coding, it would be wise to select a website template-based platform that you are familiar. However, the second alternative is to hire a web designer such as Flying Cow Design. WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are all CMS platforms where you can be more creative with the look of your website. Step Two – Register Your Domain Name Go to or any other domain site and search for a catchy domain name. Make sure you choose a domain with keywords relevant to your business and content. Keep your domain name short and sweet. Avoid numbers; people do not want to remember if they were supposed to spell out the number. Choose a name people will remember and one that is easy to type. Make sure your domain name will stand out from others in your industry before choosing it. Ballistic Domains offers affordable pricing for a multitude of budgets. Step Three – Select a Reliable Web Hosting Provider. Do not just choose any web hosting provider, find a reliable web hosting provider. The company you choose could make or break your business. It is important you choose a reliable hosting company that helps guarantee your customers access to your website 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Depending on the hosting provider you choose, many providers offer domain names and hosting plans under one roof. You can choose a variety of extensions (.com, .net, .org, .us, etc.). Step Four – Choose a Template You have one of two options. You can buy a pre-designed template or hire a professional web designer to create a custom designed web template. The advantage of purchasing a pre-designed template is that you can purchase, download, and upload it directly to your website within …
Static Vs. Dynamic Websites
A static site is usually written in plain HTML, and the content that gets created through this code is the only matter which is displayed to the user…
RandomKid Website Designed by Flying Cow Design
MENLO PARK, CA – October 8, 2012 Talia Leman was interviewed on on October 5, and talked at length about her journey from the tender age of 10, when she started motivating other kids to trick-or-treat for Hurricane Katrina donations. The effort resulted in donations of over ten million dollars, making her the Chief Executive Optimist (CEO) of RandomKid. Now 17, Talia Leman and her nonprofit, RandomKid continue to raise money for everything from disaster relief to clean water projects. In the interview with Today, Talia shared what inspires her. In the interview Talia says that she thinks of herself as a random kid who saw a problem and wanted to do something. She says if kids can raise ten million dollars to for hurricane relief, then we can do anything. The interview also covered Talia’s book “A Random Book about the Power of Anyone” and, her recently launched website, designed by Flying Cow Design Studios. The website will now help RandomKid and Talia Leman connect with millions around the world, who support her cause. “Talia has been an inspiration, not just for kids around the world, but even for us grown-ups.” said Peter Brown, founder and CEO of Flying Cow Design Studio, the leading New York Web Design Company that gave shape and form to “It has been both a pleasure and an honor to have been involved in the creation of the Randomkid website and we hope that this website takes the good work being done at RandomKid to children and adults around the world.” The complete video of the interview with Talia Leman can be found at Flying Cow Design. ABOUT FLYING COW DESIGN Flying Cow Design Studio is a private web design services company. Flying Cow Design has grown through the dot com implosion as a design studio specializing in web design, flash design, ecommerce design and online marketing. Keywords: new york web design, web design services, professional website design, website design, talia leman, randomkid,, teenage philanthropist Peter BrownCEO, Flying Cow Design Attended University of Auckland Lives in San Francisco Bay Area
Building Web Presence, not just Websites
MENLO PARK, CA – October 8, 2012 Talia Leman was interviewed on on October 5, and talked at length about her journey from the tender age of 10, when she started motivating other kids to trick-or-treat for Hurricane Katrina donations. The effort resulted in donations of over ten million dollars, making her the Chief Executive Optimist (CEO) of RandomKid. Now 17, Talia Leman and her nonprofit, RandomKid continue to raise money for everything from disaster relief to clean water projects. In the interview with Today, Talia shared what inspires her. In the interview Talia says that she thinks of herself as a random kid who saw a problem and wanted to do something. She says if kids can raise ten million dollars to for hurricane relief, then we can do anything. The interview also covered Talia’s book “A Random Book about the Power of Anyone” and, her recently launched website, designed by Flying Cow Design Studios. The website will now help RandomKid and Talia Leman connect with millions around the world, who support her cause. “Talia has been an inspiration, not just for kids around the world, but even for us grown-ups.” said Peter Brown, founder and CEO of Flying Cow Design Studio, the leading New York Web Design Company that gave shape and form to “It has been both a pleasure and an honor to have been involved in the creation of the Randomkid website and we hope that this website takes the good work being done at RandomKid to children and adults around the world.” The complete video of the interview with Talia Leman can be found at Flying Cow Design. ABOUT FLYING COW DESIGN Flying Cow Design Studio is a private web design services company. Flying Cow Design has grown through the dot com implosion as a design studio specializing in web design, flash design, ecommerce design and online marketing. Keywords: new york web design, web design services, professional website design, website design, talia leman, randomkid,, teenage philanthropist Peter BrownCEO, Flying Cow Design Attended University of Auckland Lives in San Francisco Bay Area