Google Analytics Real Time Analysis

google-analytics-real-tim Google Analytics Real Time Analysis

google analytics real time

Google Analytics Real-Time is a new feature introduced in Google Analytics, that lets to monitors the visitors to your website in real time while they are on your website. It tells you much more than just how many visitors are on your website at any given time. Google Analytics Real-Time lets you see what’s happening on your site including changes in traffic, location of visitors, which pages are being seen and much more. It is a way to see the behavior of the traffic on your website in real time.

Accessing Google Analytics Real-Time

Google Analytics Real-Time is a free feature enhancement available to anyone who has Google Analytics tracking in place on their website. You need not add any different code to your web pages. All you need to do is sign into your Google Analytics account, click on the \”Home\” tab, and you will find Real-Time in the links in the left side column. Clicking on this link will take you to the dash board of Real-Time reports and you can explore any report in greater detail from here.

Google Analytics Real-Time Reports

There are a number of interesting reports that Google Analytics Real-Time provides that can give you an insight into user behavior on your website at any given point in time. These reports include

Real-Time Report 1 – Overview

Through the Overview report in Google Analytics Real-Time, you can see how many visitors are on your website at a given point in time, which websites are sending visitors to your website and what keywords visitors are typing before visiting your website from search engines. This report also tells you which page they entered your website from.

Real-Time Report 2 – Locations

The locations report lets you see the location of the visitors on your website. You can see what pages were seen and from which city in the previous half hour.

Real-Time Report 3 – Sources

The Traffic Sources report shows you what channels the visitors to your website came from. How many came from paid advertising campaigns, how many from organic search, emails, referrals, etc. You can get a percentage break of the visitors on your website based on what medium is driving the visitors to your website.

Real-Time Report 4 – Content

This report is all about the pages in your website and what content is being viewed at a given time and the preceding 30 minutes, by the visitors to your site.

Google Analytics Real-Time Benefits

For businesses, Google Analytics Real-Time provides many benefits that were not available before. By monitoring real-time visitors to the site, businesses can learn about patterns in the time of day that visitor activity is at its peak or lowest. You can also find out about the seasonality of visitor behavior. If your website has multiple offerings, there could be patterns that you may be able to discern between them.

When you do social media campaigns, real world advertising, an email burst or any other activity, Google Analytics Real-Time lets you see the impact of each activity, the latency between the activity and the visitors to your site, etc. This alone would let you refine future activities and time them better so you get the maximum impact and lose the least in terms of time or response from any marketing effort you plan to launch.

For any business, being able to maximize the impact of their internet marketing campaigns is of paramount important. Besides being able to tweak your landing pages, timing of your advertising and other aspects of your campaigns, Google Analytics Real-Time gives you a minute by minute insight into how visitors connect to your website. This insight can in itself be invaluable to marketing decision making whether you run them in house or through an internet marketing services provider.

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CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area

October 15th, 2016

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