Every serious website owner has one thing in common – they all want to learn how to increase website traffic. The best thing about increasing website traffic is that there are several ways of going about it. If you want to become a pro and learn how to increase site traffic, try the following website traffic building tips:
Become a Guest Blogger Becoming a guest blogger is an excellent way to help boost traffic to your website or blog. All it requires is a little research to find the best blog sites out there and reviewing their blog writing guidelines. Most blog owners will allow you to include a link directly to your website. Then it takes time to create the blog article. If you don’t enjoy writing, consider hiring a professional blog writer to create the article for you.
Article Marketing When you write interesting articles and publish them on popular article directories, you can increase traffic to your website. The most popular article directory sites include: Article Dashboard, Article Base, Ezine Articles, Go Articles and many more.
Create a Facebook Fan Page Creating a Facebook fan page will help increase your exposure. Consider hiring a web design company to create a custom designed page for you. This will not only improve your brand image, it will separate your page from the rest. Whenever you write a new article or a blog post, you should tweet it. This will help increase traffic to your website. You also will increase your exposure every time a person re-tweets or shares your post.
Twitter Whenever you write a new article or a blog post, you should tweet it. This will help increase traffic to your website. You also will increase your exposure every time a person re-tweets or shares your post.
Forum Posting Posting comments and posts on forums can help increase your traffic if it’s done the proper way. In order to increase traffic, you must be able to provide your fellow forum users with engaging topics and conversations. Make sure you are subtle about promoting your site. Most forums will allow you to post a link to your website in your profile. Some are even more generous by allowing forum guests to post a link to their website after posting a comment or a new thread.
Comment on Blogs Don’t comment on just any blog. Make sure you post comments on relevant blogs. Make your blogs meaningful. Only post on blogs that will allow you to post a link back to your website. Blog comments can generate lots of traffic.
Try to be the first to post a comment. You can set up an AOL or Google alert every time there is a blog post related to your industry. This will give you first dabs at posting a comment and link back to your website. There are several more tips to increase website traffic. The key to increasing your traffic results is to follow the above traffic building tips consistently. You will eventually notice a difference in your traffic results. For more information on website traffic and online marketing, visit the Online Marketing FAQ page on flyingcowdesign.com
CEO, Flying Cow Design
Attended University of Auckland
Lives in San Francisco Bay Area