Among the most ignored element of a website often is its footer. How much – if at all – do you as a website owner think about your website’s footer? A…
Website Monitoring Service
It wasn’t that long ago that web design companies offered a “website maintenance” package to clients to have some recurring revenues from existing cus…
Free Stock Photos
If you need any free stock photos check out the sites below. Terms of Use may have changed on each site so check to make sure they are still free for your use.
What is a Custom Search Engine?
When you say ‘Search Engine’, you automatically think of ‘Google’, MSN Search’, ‘Yahoo Search’, etc. But do you realize that these are not the most common ones? The fact is that there are millions of private custom search engines out there.
Internet Jargon Glossary
It can be confusing trying to sort out all of the Web and Internet Jargon, so we have put together this great reference to help you sort out whats from what.
Internet Privacy Law
Internet Marketing is the modern age miracle for Marketers. Getting your word out to the masses quickly and automatically, and at next to no cost retrieve customers details and information, is a boon for many companies.
What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is considered by many as one of the new age marketing techniques. Most internet users are likely to have email accounts allowing them to receive an unlimited number of messages instantly…
Types of Internet Marketing
“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” ~ Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Yes, the Internet is the town squa…
Internet Marketing Method
“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” ~ Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Yes, the Internet is the town squa…
What are Google Penguin Updates?
Google has over 200 parameters that go into deciding where a page should rank for any given keyword. In spite of having such advanced ranking factors,…
Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid
Search engines try to serve the most relevant result that would meet the needs of a searcher. In order to do that, they set guidelines that all websit…
How to Make a Successful Blog
Blogs are like informal platforms for people to share information and communicate. Many times, search engines crawl blogs faster than websites. Hence,…
Benefits of Blogging for Businesses
When it began, blogging and blog writing was only a means to express one’s personal feelings and opinions on the internet. However, in today’s world, …
How to get your website on Google?
When most businesses invest a lot of time and effort in getting their website looking just right, they naturally expect the website to spread their me…
Marketing Campaign Cost Analysis with Google Analytics
As a marketing manager, if you could compare the cost effectiveness of the various channels of marketing you deploy, accurately and in a comparative m…
Google Analytics Real Time Analysis
Google Analytics Real-Time is a new feature introduced in Google Analytics, that lets to monitors the visitors to your website in real time while they…
Google In-Page Analytics
Google In-Page Analysis is a new feature from Google Analytics that allows you to assess how the visitors to your website interact with each page on y…
How much should SEO cost?
SEO costs vary from the dirt cheap so called “SEO Expertise” offered by freelancers and small time SEO agencies on the one hand, and tens of thousands…
Outsourced SEO vs. In House SEO
SEO outsourcing is growing rapidly as an industry. Should you outsource SEO or consider in house SEO? Why should you outsource SEO work? This article explains the pros and cons of in house vs. outsourced SEO services.
Landing Page Optimization
What is a Landing Page A landing page is the page in your website that a visitor first lands on while visiting your site. Not all visitors enter your…
Link Building SEO Myths
Link building has been central to the SEO efforts of any website. However, so-called SEO experts and misinformation has given birth to plenty of myths about link building best practices. Even after Google Penguin, the myths about link building have only grown instead of reducing.
Meta Tag Optimization
For a search engine, the meta tags of a page provide a snapshot of the page content and are useful not just in determining where your website ranks in…
Mobile Content Marketing Strategy
We all have heard of mobile web design, and content marketing. These two words just seem to be on the tip of many tongues today in the online world. T…
Online Presence Management for Professionals
Whether you are a medical professional, lawyer or a professional in any service industry, you would have realized — as have most businesses — that w…
Press Releases and SEO
Being in the news has always had far better impact on any brand than advertising. The same continues to be true in the online marketing space as well….
Role of SEO in Web Design
In a competitive environment having a website is no longer enough. What businesses need today is a growing online presence that is only possible by co…
When Should You Start SEO?
It is really never too late to start SEO for your site. While SEO efforts should never really stop, SEO is perhaps the only internet marketing channel…
Tips for Choosing an SEO Company
The world of internet marketing is a fast changing one. Especially with SEO, growing competition and changing search engine algorithms have made it an…
Online Marketing Essentials for an Effective Web Marketing Plan
“Do I need a website?” is no longer a question business owners ask. It’s a given that a business needs a website to have a semblance of respectability…
White Hat Link Building Tips
There are plenty of articles about white hat link building tips that will tell you abou the kind of websites you should get links from, the kind of we…
What is White Hat SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the practice of using specific strategies and techniques to rank a given webpage higher in online search en…
Search Engine Marketing Services
All entrepreneurs who are website owners have one thing in common and that is gaining a certain amount of contacts or sales. When people launch a website, they usually go to sleep at night dreaming about gaining a lot of visitors
Organic Search Services
If you have never heard the popular phrase Organic Search or you just never gave it the time of day, you will find that it can be quite beneficial in marketing your website. And no, it has nothing to do with the eco-friendliness of your office environment at work.
Web Banner Design
Utilizing web banner advertisement on your website or blog is an excellent way of motivating potential clients to purchase your products or services. Over the past few years, commercial advertising has emerged…
How to Make a Flash Website
A: Unless a website is for displaying only static information with little or no other functionality…
What is FPS?
A: FPS stands for Frames Per Second. An easier way to know what does FPS mean is by reducing the acronym to its base term
What is swf?
A:If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, what is SWF? Then all you have to do is look at your own computer to find out.
What is FLV?
A:What does FLV stand for? Flavor of the month? Florida Vacation? Flavor Fave? Fly Virgin Airlines? How about Flash Video
How to Design a Logo?
A logo is the graphic symbol that gives your company, website, organization or product instant recognition by your target audience or client base.
How to Make an Impressive Company Logo
Learning how to make a company logo for your business is one of the most underrated but highly important facets of promoting a business. A lot of people fail
Logo Design Prices
The cost of doing business includes promoting the goods and services offered. In most cases, businesses have a fixed budget for advertising expenses, including logo design prices.
How to Find a Logo Designer
A well designed company logo can play a huge role in the success of a business. Making a great impression is essential, so it is best to know how to find a logo designer…
What is a Design Brief?
Anyone who has hired a graphic designer may have wondered what is a design brief and why their designer insisted on one. A design brief is a vital part of the development process
How to Write a Design Brief?
Learning how to write a design brief in an effective manner will increase the chances of a successful outcome for a graphic design project.
What is Branding Services?
Have you ever wondered exactly what is graphic design or whether it is the career for you? According to the U.S.
How Graphic Design Relates to Branding Services
Branding Services is the art of visual communication that combines words, ideas and images to express information to people. A graphic designer arranges elements on various types of media
Exciting New Graphic Wedding Invitation Designs for 2011-2012
Many graphic designers are breaking rules when it comes to creating wedding invitation designs. Brides from around the world no longer have to..
Top Computers For Graphic Designers
Just like a band, every professional graphic designer needs the right equipment. The top computers are helping designers create high-end designs a lot faster and easier. Read the entire article to know about the top graphic design computers.
Tips for finding a graphic designer
Finding a graphic designer is easier than ever before. Entrepreneurs have several options to choose from when hiring a designer. However, there are a few important tips to follow before making a final decision.
Adobe Illustrator Review – Adobe Illustrator CS5 for Branding Servicesers
Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the favorite choice among many professional graphic designers globally. This graphic design software offers advanced features such as artistic natural brushes, stylish drawing tools and much more. Read this Adobe Illustrator Review…