Web Design Services

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advantages of html new

Advantages of HTML

People often think that HTML websites are history in today’s world of advanced Content Management Systems. This may not really be the case in many case...

301 Redirection

Especially when websites get redesigned or migrated to a new domain, there is a threat of taking a serious hit on your rankings and traffic because the ...
Web Site Usability

Web Site Usability Testing

Website Usability Testing is necessary to make websites popular and to maintain revenue through online sales. Read below to understand usability testing and its importance....
Web Copywriting Tips

How to Write Web Copy -- Seven Web Copywriting Tips

Simply defined, web copy is text specifically created for use on web pages. Good copy understands and addresses the needs of the website’s audience. What people search for – or keywords – are an indicator of your audience’s needs...
Types of Websites Explained

Types of Websites Explained

Originally, websites were purely informational. Educational, research institutions and government agencies made information available to each other through....
website launch checklist

Website Launch Checklist

WordPress has been the most preferred blogging platform for a while now. Over the years, it has also emerged as a preferred content management system for websites and not just blogs.
Website Redesign Tips

How to Redesign a Website?

The need for redesigning a website can arise out of many reasons. The existing website may have a dated look and feel and may be built using old technologies. It may not look up with the times. It may no longer be truly representative of your business.

Website User Experience Design

There was a time, not too long ago, when websites were simple text-based pages focused on information dispensed in the form of text. For the most part, the web was used for scientific reports, government bodies and the likes. Improvements in broadband speed, greater penetration of the web.

What is Ajax

Ajax or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a means for website owners, designers and web developers to build web applications in a simple, fast and interactive manner. It's been proven that well designed and executed web applications are a fun way to showcase your website and its capabilities
What is Javascript?

What is JavaScript?

We have all at one time or another had a pop-up come up on our computers while browsing websites: need to run Java, or need to update JavaScript. Many times people tend to get the two mixed up and often ask, what exactly is a JavaScript and how is it different from Java?

WordPress 3.6- What to Expect

WordPress has been the most preferred blogging platform for a while now. Over the years, it has also emerged as a preferred content management system...
How to Build an Ecommerce Website?

How to Build an Ecommerce Website?

There are many steps one must take to successfully create, and learn how to build an ecommerce website. You must take into account a variety of factors, and use them ...
Create an online store

How to Create an Online Store

By creating your own online store, it gives you the freedom of providing your customers what they want. Learning to create an online store is not as complicated as it ...
What is Ecommerce?

What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce covers very diverse areas and fields, with one common denominator – All transactions are conducted through the internet. Both for-profit and non-profit organizations have sprung up and blossomed as result ...
Ecommerce Integration

Ecommerce Integration

  We live in a connected, small world where reaching the other end of the world is just a click away. This interconnected world also means that for businesses, the ...
What is Joomla?

What is Joomla?

If you’ve found yourself asking the question, what is Joomla?, then you’re in luck: this article will detail exactly what you can expect from Joomla, including why it’...
What is a URL?

What is a URL?

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is often described as an identifying resource on the Internet. The URL was created by Tim Berners Lee in 1994. Parts of a URL A URL has ...
What is PHP?

What is PHP?

Many of us have heard the term PHP but do not know what is PHP? PHP is one of the most popular and widely used scripting languages for the development ...
Starting a Blog

Starting a Blog

Congratulations, you’re thinking about starting a blog. You can finally join the ranks of thousands of blog owners on the web who are connecting with readers daily. Whether you’...
How to Design a Blog?

How to Design a Blog?

We all know the importance of good, relevant, quality content in any marketing and advertising communication. Your website and its content is key to your business. It is important to ...

Need help with your web presence?

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